So I (30s F) sublet my spare bedroom on a short term basis (a few months this time). The guy who’s renting is probably late 40s M if not more. He comes from a sexist culture and casually makes awkward/unpleasant comments. Here are a few examples:

1. I tend to keep the house as tidy as possible, but if I don’t have the time to maintain everything, I’d focus on common areas and put my own space last. When he came to view the apartment, he noticed my desk on the corner that had some small piles of paper, etc. and asked if that’s my workspace. When I said yes, he commented on how untidy it is! 😳

2. I have a bicycle of my own, a second one from an ex-roommate and an electric scooter. All three are always in the dead corner of the corridor by the coat hanger, when not in use, and don’t really create any obstacles or anything. Yesterday I was coming in the same time he was leaving and he sees my scooter and says: “oh, so you have a scooter, too?” I confirm, and he replies: “it’s pretty much a garage here.”

I’m unpleasantly shocked each time I hear these comments, but keep quiet and say nothing, but I feel like I have to point it out to him in a witty response that this is my apartment and living space and it’s not his business to make snarky comments like that.

I just don’t know how to do this in a calm, non-passive aggressive way and as peacefully as possible.

What do you suggest?

  1. Bra, why did you leave to some who called you untidy on the first day they met you

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