We’ve been friends for a little less than a year, she’s expressed interest in me but says it just isn’t a good time for her (which I understand we’re both in grad school). I’ve been trying to keep things interesting, we’re going to an art museum next week. She’s never given me any indication that she finds hanging out with me boring, so I could be overthinking this.

We live in a walkable city and I don’t have a car but she does. She likes to pick me up from my place and drive us around to pass the time and talk, she says she really enjoys that level of interaction but I feel like there are awkward silences when I can’t figure out what to say. We hung out yesterday and I said something along the lines of “oh sorry if I’m boring you today.” To which she replied “Don’t worry about being boring I just like to spend this time with you.”

What can I do to 1) keep her interest in the long run and 2) fill those awkward beats. I’ve been trying to get to know her a little more but feel like I’ve run out of things ask. I’ve asked her about her family, her interests, past relationships and would like to know what more can I do.

Friend and I hang out often platonically, and she says she is not interested in a relationship anytime soon. What can I do to keep her interested in the long run?

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