Tl;Dr my gf of over a year snores really loudly and I’m worried it means I’m going to sleep alone pretty much from now on.

I met a woman just over a year ago, I hadn’t been long divorced when we met and she is great. We hit it off really well and she really kind of made me realise what great women are out there.

The only problem we have is that my word, boy does she snore. I’m talking 60 decibels all night every night. When we first started dating it wasn’t so bad but now it’s every night.

We have an agreement that one if one of us (me usually) cant sleep, we take it in turns to decide who sleeps on the sofa that night. Regardless of who is keeping who up.

The issue though is she snores every night, how on earth are we supposed to deal with this situation?

My ex wife used to accuse me of snoring ( I checked, I don’t snore often, she was just upset that I was breathing heavily) but she was so mean to me for the last 2 years of that marriage I was scared to go to sleep.

I try really hard not to make my girlfriend feel that fear, but other than sleep separately what the hell can we do?

I’m in my 30s, I don’t want to sleep separately from my partner, especially when we’ve only dated just over a year. It feels so wrong. But I don’t know what else to do and I don’t want to end it, shes awesome, and she doesn’t deserve to be hurt like that.

I’m very frustrated.

Can anybody relate? How did you navigate this?

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