I’ve been talking to this guy online playing video games and we spent alot of time together talking for hours every day. I fell for him pretty quickly. We ended up being exclusive to official before meeting up, maybe a mistake but I don’t usually click with people like that and he was already transferring to my area and visiting soon. But he sent me a picture of some other dude and tried playing it off as him for two days. I called him out and he finally admitted to it.

He said he was super insecure about his looks but I already was fine with how he looked before. He forgot he sent me a picture when we first started talking. Im really disappointed because everything was going so well and I feel like theres a crack in our foundation now. He has apologized and said he would do whatever it takes to make it up to me but he hasn’t sent me flowers or anything. Am i asking for alot? I dont have alot of experience dating and i feel like if this is the only thing i can possibly overlook it but just saying sorry isnt good enough i feel like i need more effort

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