My girlfriend (20F) told me that I (20M) was too short. For context I’m 5’4 or 167cm and she’s around the same height. We have been together for 10 months. 2 days ago we were going to a birthday party and she was picking her outfit. She was ranting about what she wanted to wear and how nothing fits together. I asked “What about that dress?” and she said “well this dress only fits with these heels and you’re too short so that I can wear heels”. I’ve been called short for the majority of my life but somehow that hurt me more than everything I’ve ever heard. I have always thought that she didn’t care about my height but apparently not. I know that this isn’t a big of a deal and I should just brush it off but this really stuck with me.

I’ve been thinking how i can make it up for being short. I’m pretty skinny so i was thinking if i would get ripped or really strong women would like that? This is my first relationship and as you can probably guess I’m not a women magnet. Does anybody feel the same way? My main questions are what can i do to make her overlook my shortness? Or do women like strong guys even though they’re short? What can i do to make happy?

TL;DR my girlfriend told me that i was too short for her to wear heels. What can i do to make her happy?

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