Women of Reddit, what is your favourite thing to have for breakfast at the weekend?

  1. I like to make a grilled cheese then make some eggs and bacon, and slap it all together as a sandwich.

  2. Poached eggs on toast, with avocado mashed on the toast… sprinkle of cheese, side of fried onions and mushrooms.

    Eggs nust be gooey on inside… it’s a real let down if they arent.

  3. Pancakes and bacon are my all-time favorite.

    In recent years, I’ve grown to love hash topped with a fried egg.

  4. Full English or Irish breakfast washed down with a pint of Guinness. Preferably in a pub watching footie.

  5. The steak scalloped with cheese, tomato and basil my dad made me on sundays when I was younger.

    I also love british breakfast.

  6. Crispbread with a thin slice of Gouda cheese, a fresh egg by our own hens, glass of freshly juiced OJ and a cup of coffee.

    But I’ll have stale bread and water if it means having it in tranquility. (I have kids)

  7. Coffee, and the biggest, bestest, tastiest, veggiest breakfast burrito I can make and smothering it with the absolute hottest hot sauce I can find.

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