I just read a thread where American people talk about Jodys fucking their wifes when they are away for military.

My German parents named me Jody in the 90’s because they thought it was a cool name they heard in a TV show. But I’m a girl.

Is it really a name just for men or do you use it for women as well?

  1. I haven’t met any men with that name.

    Edit: seems to be a real term used for men, usually military men, sleeping with other military men’s SO.

  2. I’ve known several people named Jody but they’ve all been middle-aged women. Some spelled it “Jody” and some spelled it “Jodie”.

    Also I have no idea why “Jody” is the term for someone sleeping with a married military wife. I’ve never heard that and grew up in a military family.

  3. It’s mostly a name for women but some men are named Jody. Goes both ways. There are a lot of names in English like that.

  4. I’ve known one male Jody and there’s also a writer/director/producer I’m aware of named Jody Hill. But it’s also a woman’s name.

  5. I’ve really only heard it in that context, a dude fucking a military wife/girlfriend. Kinda like how “chad” and “stacy” are used.

    I know one lady Jody (spelled Jodi) and no men.

  6. I have only met one Jody IRL and they were a man.

    A douchebag of a man that cheated on his wife and I do not like as a person as he turned his kids with his wife basically against one another.

    So in my personal experience, Jody in that thread is basically my exact experience with Jody’s.

  7. I have known a couple of girls/women named Jodi or Jodie. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Jody at all but yeah, I know that’s it’s a name.

  8. Important to note that ‘Jody’ is military slang for a man that sleeps with the wives of soldiers/marines who are away on service, not a literal name. I believe it’s derived from a song called “Joe De Grinder” which is about a man who sleeps with the wives of men who are in prison.

  9. Yes, Jody is really a name for a man. Often, a woman named “Jody” will spell it “Jodi”, but, not always.

    I have known a number of men named Jody, but, I think this is more common for men my age (50s and older) than younger folk.

  10. The only man I know who was named Jody was Canadian. However Jody is a common slang term for men who sleep with the wife/ girlfriend of a service man who is deployed.

  11. I know some men named Jody but I consider it a woman’s name. And also the name of the guy that bones your wife if you’re in the military.

  12. Used to date a beauty queen

    Now I date my M-16

    Ain’t no use in lookin’ down

    Ain’t no discharge on the ground

    Ain’t no use in going back

    Jody’s got your cadillac

    Ain’t no use in calling home

    Jody’s got your girl and gone

    Ain’t no use in feeling blue

    Jody’s got your sister too


    the one thing i miss about the military was it being perfectly acceptable to scream out weird rhyming shit in public while running lol. IDK where “jody” came from, must be a oldhead thing, like I imagine some suave surfer pacifist dude in the 60s bangin some dude’s girl who’s over in Nam

  13. Yes. One of my good friends has that name. He’s 44, Michigan. It’s not very common but it’s not unheard of.

  14. It’s military slang.

    I have never met any man named Jody in real life.

    I have met maybe one or two women named Jody but no one I know well.

    I am just cracking up saying it in a German accent though. I’m assuming you say it more like yo-dee rather than joe-dee with the hard j sound?

    It’s actually a pretty nice name. Too bad it got saddles with being US military slang.

  15. I actually played football with a guy named Jody but he was the only male I’ve ever met with the name.

  16. >Is it really a name just for men or do you use it for women as well?

    We have a very famous actress named Jody Foster.

    I did know a male Jody once, but he was very old.

  17. My ex partner is named Jody. Since I’m a straight male, I really hope they aren’t a dude.

  18. It’s play on “Joe”, a term for a soldier, but feminized. So you’re deployed and your wife would say “Hey Jody is coming over for drinks” and you wouldn’t think anything of it because it’s a girl. And now it’s a common term for a guy who your wife cheats with while you’re deployed.

  19. I’ve known both men and women named Jody/Jodie. It’s not that unheard of for a name to be both male and female. I’ve known people from both genders named Ryan, Dylan, Morgan, Jordan, Casey, and others.

  20. I don’t think I’ve met anyone IRL named Jody, male or female. The refrences to Jody fucking the wives of military men dates back to at least WWII if not earlier. I would assume the name was much more common 100 years ago. Nowadays, “Jody” is used to refrence any song that is designed to be sung while running in formation, even if the character named Jody doesn’t appear.

  21. As a name, it’s almost exclusively used for women.

    It just also happens to be a slang word for guys who sleep with a military member’s wife while he’s deployed. That usage is not common or well known outside military circles. But that’s more of the word being used as an title not a name.

    I’ve never met a Jody (it’s not a very common name anymore, at least not in my area) but the only Jody I’ve ever heard of are women.

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