What does it mean ?

So I am a woman and I have a little crush on one of my coworkers. At first we both hated each other’s (we talked about it and had a great laugh because of it) he is two years older than me and I think he likes me but never text first??

We spend a whole entire night outside talking because we had met on accident (we live on the same campus) and it felt like we shared something special ? Like we have the same hobbies and he talked to me about his life, his dreams and his life and he even made some little jokes about not acting the same with his friends than when he likes a girl.
He then proceeded to invite me to our work place to see my new shoes (we have inside jokes about it) and so I did and he was really happy to see me and invested in seeing my new pair of shoes but when I told him I walked by because HE had asked me to he said it wasn’t true.
And here is the thing, he doesn’t text me, never, and he never watch my stories either. Like I dont understand, when we are together it’s really special and he looks at my lips and everything so why the hell doesn’t he text me ?
And I am not sure I should text first either.

The only time we had ever spoken by text was because I had invited him somewhere and he wanted to know if I had left or not.


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