I’ve been seeing this guy(43) for the last month and a half. He has pursued me for over 3 years so I thought I would finally give him a shot. We’ve been on 7 dates total, 5 that have been within the 1.5 months, and they’ve gone really well. We both have strong personalities and opinions, never run out of things to talk about, and have chemistry. I have told him right off the bat we aren’t having sex right away as I wanted to wait 60 days to make sure this wasn’t a “conquer” thing. Well, the last 2 times we’ve hung out, we messed around and he’s even fingered me and rubbed his penis on me for a bit, but when I reached down to touch him, he was soft. I feel like maybe he isn’t attracted to me? But he loves to touch me, be close to me and kiss me all over and is very expressive in that way. I’m so confused- this has never ever happened before! He doesn’t even get an erection when we are cuddling or spooning which I find very odd. 🙁 any advice?

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