When in face of unknown and uncertainty, we feel powerless, helpless and those feelings are reflected on the outside as lack of confidence. People can easily see when you lack confidence, they notice your nervousity, your eyes avoiding movement, your voice shaking and your speech which is either too fast or non-existent.

When we lack confidence, we see our value decrease in the eyes of others, we become dismissable and our ideas become less valuable too.

This is a problem for you, you do not want your ideas and opinions to be neglected by anyone, but they will be neglected of you fail to speak with confidence.

How do you grow more confident ?

First, choose your battles abd accumulate small wins; there is no greater way to bokst your confidence than winning, even if it is a small win. Every day give yourself small challenges to complete and as you fulfill them, these small accomplishments will progressively build confidence in yourself and you abilities. As winning become a habit, the desire to challenge yourself become more appealing and from it you will glow with confidence.

Second, make plans for the future; the lack of confidence comes from umcertainty and the greatest uncertainty of all is the mystery of tomorrow.
We fear the unknown and the unknown future is the most present fear of all.

The remedy from it is planning, by planning your future you take charge of it and as you plan every tomorrow of your life, the unknown progressively become the predictable and when something become predictable we approach it with confidence.

Lastly, i.prove your outside appearance, an easy way to grow more confident is to feel good in your own skin by dressing better, keeping you hair and body clean, doing sport to stay in shap etc. Anything that can lead to a physical improvement lead to increase of your confidence. As you become more presentable, you become more confident.

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