ik this is long, but its really confusing and the details are kinda necessary imo (i did make a tl;dr tho)

Im 16, and last semester, i had a crush on this girl in two of my classes. I started to pay attention to her in those two classes, and it started to seem like she was glancing my direction more than usual. For example, she might have been walking down the hall with her friends, and if she passes me alone just doing work she looked back over her shoulder.

Anyway, she starts glancing my direction in class it seems, so i think she noticed me paying attention to her and try not to be weird and stare at her. After some time passes of her still looking over after I do this, I decide to try and approach her. In one of the classes, i can work with people at her table because I know them, and so i went over to her table then. I could get her to laugh, she’s a pretty reserved person, but she would talk to me and it was seeming to go well. She was still glancing over in the other class, so I decided to ask for her number after class one day.

She gives it to me, and I text her right then so she has my number. A day or two after, I ask her if she said she plays soccer, as I also do and I think it would be a good common ground to build off of. But, she doesn’t respond. So, i think I just misread things and let it go. But, she is still glancing over. The subject came up when I was around a mutual friend, and that mutual friend decided to text her to see asking if she got the text. The mutual friend didn’t get a text back, either.

I was at her table maybe a week after, and she was still acting the same way, and still was talking to me. An example was a sub said my last name wrong, and she brought it up even though i was nowhere near her at the time when it happened.

So i’m just kinda confused wtf happened, and ask her after class if she got the text. She said she did, but she was at a soccer game so she couldn’t respond. That made no sense, so i figured she just wasn’t interested. Yet it seemed she was looking at me more frequently than ever, and I was trying not to look back to not be weird. About 2 weeks go by, and I decide to text her asking if I just shouldn’t bother her. Again, left on delivered.

But the day in class after this, she is kinda blatantly staring. We had a lecture, and she had to look past where I sit to see the board. Any time she turned her head from her notes to the board or back, she would pause for a moment when she would be facing me. This was early november i think, and for the remaining weeks of the semester it seemed as if she was looking towards me any chance she could. If I was sitting behind her, she would repeatedly look over her shoulder, if she was presenting something, she would glance to see if I was paying attention, and if she was looking over one shoulder and then I moved, she would start glancing over her other shoulder.

Anyway, I was too confused to do anything and just let it happen. First semester ended, the second semester schedule came around, and I had no classes with her so I just figured I should let it go. I did see her occasionally in the halls, and it seemed sometimes she would glance again, but it was usually too quick for me to think it meant anything.


But now in may, we had our AP tests. The two classes I had with her first semester were AP classes, so we would both be in the same testing rooms for the test. Today, we had a test too. She was sitting in the front row, I was sitting two rows back, one seat to her left. When the proctors were giving instructions, I legitimately think she looked over her left shoulder once every 20 seconds.

I tried to not make eye contact, I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. But she was pretty much directly in front of me so I could see her pretty well. I could see her head turn more each time she did this, and it turned more than the times when she would talk to the person on her left. After the test when we still were sitting there, I did look at her when her head was turned, and sure enough we made eye contact. So i’m pretty certain each time she turned her head today she looked at me.


1. wtf does it seem like is going on? She’s interested still, but parents or something is holding her back? She’s just weird? She could tell I was interested in her, and is curious if I still am?
2. I do kinda want to reach out to her now, I still think she would be worth it. We both play soccer, but Im pretty sure she competes on a national level from what I’ve heard her friends say, which is really impressive. We have similar classes, and she’s really quite pretty. The issue is, idk the best way how because we have no more tests, no classes, and texting seems to not be the answer.

tl;dr I have a crush on girl i two of my classes, she seems to glance at me more than usual. I try to stop looking to not be creepy, but I think she still is looking. I approach her in class, it goes well for a few days, I ask for her number. I get it, give her mine, text her a couple days after. No response. She seems to be staring more afterwards. Mutual friend finds out I like her, texts girl if she got the text, Mutual friend has no response either. Because she is still staring, I ask her after class one day what happened. She said she was at a soccer game and couldn’t answer. Doesn’t make sense, but she still is looking over. I text again asking if I should leave her alone, no response. After, she seems to be staring any chance she could get. I leave her alone, 2nd semester we have no classes together. Now in May, we are in the same room for an Ap test, she was blatantly staring still.

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