My husband and I have been married for 1 year and together for 2. He was married before and he and his ex-wife have a daughter. They divorced because the ex-wife was verbally and physically abusive to my husband. (She is not abusive to their daughter, just to my husband).

Then I met him and everything was fine. She does not speak to me and made it clear that I would not be part of their daughter’s life. I am simply cordial with both her and their daughter and if the child needs something I will gladly help her but otherwise I don’t get into any situation

This morning the ex-wife came to yell at my husband because according to her, their daughter told her that my husband hit her and yelled at her. (On Friday their daughter was at our house and she knocked over a vase, I quickly went to see and yelled “what happened?” And then I told she to get away from the remains of the vase).

Well, their daughter said that my husband was the one who yelled at her and that he even hit her just because she dropped the vase, which is not true.

We sat down to talk to their daughter about it and she confessed and excused herself saying that she did it because all she wants is for her mother and her father to be together and have a united family. My husband was quite affected by this and even cried. I asked him what he wanted to do about the situation and he says that he doesn’t know what to do and that he is quite confused by his daughter’s statement. But he also doesn’t want to return to his ex-wife, he managed to get rid of her and her abuse.

Their daughter is already going to therapy and they live close enough so that it is not complicated for the child, they also try to be cordial with each other.

How do we deal with this situation so that it is beneficial for everyone, especially for the daughter involved?

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