What do you think of passive-aggressiveness in a relationship?

  1. I won’t stand it, so I either call it out immediately or play dumb and take things literally, ignoring the subtext.

  2. Absolute dealbreaker. Not a I’m walking out this minute dealbreaker, but you get one shot to curb it after we’ve communicated about it (on the off chance you don’t realize you’re doing it or recognize it as NOT a good thing) or I’m out.

    I’ve found not many people get good, non-toxic relationships consistently and regularly modeled so I’ll give the benefit of at least checking in. But once it’s called out and identified, that’s it.

  3. I allowed it. Never again. If I’m even “talking” to someone and they do that shit it’s chalked

  4. It’s still a form of aggression and super toxic. You’re an adult, act like one.

  5. it’s infuriating. Like just take 10 seconds to tell me the problem and we can address it? It’s not that hard.. being passive aggressive ruins relationships.

  6. There is almost no difference between passive aggressive and aggressive… it’s the same energy and same motive just different form. It’s abusive and needs to be handled with care.

  7. Shows lack of ability to express and communicate. It’s something that can be worked on but is really annoying when the person is not trying to work on it.

  8. It’s something I’m very guilty of displaying. It’s my biggest defense mechanism and it really upsets my boyfriend, who’s general very passive and kind. Currently working on it in therapy.

  9. It’s a deal breaker. Either be open and upfront with me or find someone else. I should be able to trust my partner to be totally honest with me.

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