I’m lacking inspiration, husband doesn’t want for anything and I don’t know what to get him. Already have a weekend away booked. Hope this fits the sub rules, I want to buy from the U.K. and fairly soon! (June birthday)

  1. My wife got me booked into one of those places where I got a proper cut throat shave etc and some vouchers to spend when I’d done at man-cave sort of shops. It was an ace afternoon.

  2. I turned 41 four days ago and my present was my wife agreeing not to make me spend money on a present.

  3. The answer is Lego. Always Lego. Kids party? Lego. Wedding Anniversary? Lego Flowers. Funeral? Ok maybe not but there are some great sets like Back to the Future and Ghostbusters which are aimed at the nostalgia market.

  4. This is such an individual question that it’s basically impossible to answer, because different people like different things. I’m a bit like your husband, I don’t really need anything and I actually find it a little stressful trying to think about gift ideas.

    If he really doesn’t want anything for his birthday, I wouldn’t push it (unless you strongly suspect that he would appreciate a surprise).

  5. Does he have any interests where you could book him a day out such as off roading or a track day in a Ferrari

  6. My husband is 40 this year and he is insisting he wants absolutely nothing. I’m giving him a supercar driving experience and a night’s hotel next to it and some sexy times.

    I’ve asked for an apple watch for mine as it’s something that I think would be nice to have but I’d never spend money on it. Also it can be engraved with the date so feels like a “special occasion” gift type of thing. Something that could be personalized in that way could be meaningful?

  7. Man here turning 42 in June. I also don’t give many ideas of what I want. My wife often buys me clothes which to be fair are mostly good choices.
    But what I really want is for someone to valet the car! It is so dirty from the kids shoes and food etc and then I don’t have to do it!
    Also a wine tasting evening would be good. You reach a certain age and maybe it’s worth learning what good wine should taste like?
    Also an afternoon windsurfing something I did a lot more often before kids!

  8. Buy some sexy underwear, stokings, have a Google for some kinky ideas and make it a surprise without hints at all.
    Don’t know of any man that wouldn’t feel the luckiest guy alive with a sexy surprise like that.

    Yeah it’s cliché, but most men are hardwired to love sex.

  9. Does he like cheese? Because if he likes cheese then you could buy him some cheese.

  10. Mmm why nor get him a psychologist to talk about his life and release some knots, living through covid is a hard thing for some, we forget how important mental health is.

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