I just met him online but feels a do or die

Long distance/ online dating is so karmic

I think im nearing burn out with the online dating/long distance relationship with this guy. I met him online and I wasnt planning for a romantic relationship but ours have developed so intense that I just cant get him out of my mind.

I dont know if he feels the same as he’s hot and cold. I told him goodbye (broke up) at one point as he’s just triggering but eventually falling back at him again. Yeah, i know call me stupid but I was the one who reached out again to him after I broke it off. We have never met in person yet im just so into him its so frustrating.

Problem is that everytime he pulls away: not texting me or being distant and I stopped reaching out he will message me back asking me why Im suddenly not messaging back which is annoying. Dude im just mirroring your actions! Obviously I didnt tell him that but instead told him Im just busy which is true by the way. I just find it annoying that he’s surprised that I also have a life to live.

He then become so sweet, intimate, shown his vulnerable side and chatty again. I called him out on his actions multiple times.

He acknowledged the problem, apologized and told me he’ll do better but it seems like it wouldnt change. Keeps on telling me he’s looking after his elders, or had some firefigting at work etc. He said our communication will be better once we meet in person.

He also tells me he wants to build his life with me and he loves me and now im starting to realize and tell myself its BS but heck here I am still here talking to him. Im crazy about this @ssh0l3 guy.

At this point, im becoming numb and just let things be. I plan to visit his country this year but i dont know if i should even do that. Would it be a waste of my time.l? Part of me still wants to still see him just to get over this strong feelings for him as I do think it will help me validate if he’s really the one or I’m just in love with a fantasy of what he could have been.

Any thoughts?

P.S. ive dealt with hot and cold men before and i easily moved on like its nothing. This guy just makes me triggered it sucks

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