I often attract men with ADHD. What are some things I should know/be aware of? Do people with ADHD love differently?

  1. Over 30-year ADHD diagnosed veteran here. I’m a bit confused by your question. I’m wondering if you think having ADHD is similar to being on the spectrum. If that’s the case it’s definitely not. ADHD just means that people like myself may have a more difficult time focusing on things and may specifically zone in on other things as well. But, we don’t love differently whatever that means. And as for what you should be aware of, I mean just like any other mental health disorder there are ups and downs, there might be more emotional scenarios and we often can be more prone to things like anxiety and depression, but we’re normal people other than that.

  2. I dated and lived with a guy who had it but was not medicated. It was rough. At first it was great because he was hyper focused on our relationship. But that hyper focus changed to other things after a while and I became a second, third, fourth thought. Unfinished half done projects all over the house. I’d come home and the refrigerator for would be open, or his microwave lunch was still in the microwave… cooked but forgotten. Gas burner left on stove. Things taken apart but never put back together. Always late, forgot important activities. Very messy around the house. Would procrastinate until last minute on important projects then be up all night doing it. Then there’d be the hypersonic on a Netflix series that he’d stay up all night watching after multiple “just one more’. I loved him dearly but the chaos was extreme and I eventually was ignored for shinier distractions.

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