Into me or nah?

39F here and would love some perspective on a guy in my life. I met this man (51m), more than a year and half ago at a work thing in a city neither of us lived. We kept finding the other in the sessions and tables. The last evening, there was a dinner gala at a local museum and we ended up talking a ton about a huge range of topics throughout the evening. It was so natural and I felt like nobody else in the world existed. At one point, I reached across the table and brushed his hair out of his face and I felt electricity tingle from my finger all the way down my spine. I physically shivered from that split second of physical connection. He felt it too. We ended up kissing and exchanging numbers. We live 500 miles away from each other and have busy careers. He checks in with me at least once a week by text. Sometimes we text 3-4 days in a row and then we’re quiet but he never lets a week go by without at a minimum sending me a message letting me know he’s thinking about me. We’ve seen each other 3 times since initially meeting and we’ve had awesome sex and a warm connection. We often, but not always, sext and our texts are always flirty. He is very respectful towards me and it feels intimate and nice. When we are able to be together, he does an amazing job of remembering things that I previously said I like and making sure we do them. We share a lot in common and have a great time. We tell each other our big news secrets that we don’t tell other people. But we don’t really talk much about our day to day lives (no, he’s not married or in a relationship, we know lots of the same people professionally; confirmed he has been divorced as long as he said – almost 4 yrs now). We really enjoy talking about business with each other. I love the ease of relationship. It feels comfortable and intimate enough. He’s intentional with his check ins and communication. The part that makes me go huh… is he into me? Is that despite tons of green flags, we don’t make plans to actually see each other. We both travel for business and are financially able. He doesn’t try to progress the relationship. It feels intimate, but really it is not particularly deep when I consider it. On the other hand, this seems like a lot of consistent effort and length of time (18 months) for someone he’s not really into it beyond a booty call? What do you think?

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