Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Back in the early to mid 00s, my school’s idea of drugs education was to make us sit through some badly-made high school drama-esque educational videos from the 80s and early 90s. Thing is, because they were from the 80s and early 90s, and all the characters were written by people who grew up far earlier than that, everyone looked ridiculous and talked all wrong. Kind of difficult to empathise with that 13 year old with the stupid bowl cut being peer pressured by other kids with stupid bowl cuts to “try the soft drugs, it’ll be mega ace wicked, I mean, you don’t want to be a *wimpy wuss*, do you? *Do you?*” *ominous 80s music plays*.

    Were you regularly subjected to educational videos at your school that were 10 or 20 years out of date? Or was there just a glut of educational videos that were produced in the 90s that nobody ever bothered updating?

  2. April Fool’s joke courtesy of my kid: being awake at 5 am. We thought we had DST covered, but nope.

    She also a special ball of energy today, and of course the weather sucks. Currently thinking about places to take her to get her to burn off some steam.

  3. Guys. GUYS!!! The election results!!! CHP has more votes than AKP!!! And many big cities are in CHP’s hands now!!! Is this the beginning of an end? Omg please let this be the beginning of an end.

    I know that local elections might seem like a minor deal, but especially cities like Istanbul are a major revenue source for political parties. Not to mention that environmental catastrophes like Kanal Istanbul can be prevented now, and Erdogan’s sense of invincibility seems to have been shaken. I am so happy. Fucking finally.

    Many mod teams seem to be pranking the subs. I have seen a few quite creative ones ha ha. We didn’t plan anything, though, and seems like this sub doesn’t, either.

  4. I saw a turkey inside of a fence on a military base while I was driving outside.

    You know, the way that British aristocracy does inheritance seems very old fashion. From what I’ve read some old aristocratic families still give nearly everything to their oldest male child or closest male relative if they don’t have a son, kind of like what happened in Pride and Prejudice and Downton Abbey. How does the average family in your country do inheritances? With the booming property values and rent in much of the world, it might matter a lot.

  5. Today is Śmigus-Dyngus, better known here as Dyngus Day, and while the tradition in Poland is to get wet with water, people in my area usually wet their whistles instead. I just hope I can get home from work with all the traffic. 🤞

  6. New York isn’t off to a hot start, I know it’s way too early in the season to get pessimistic but losing the first three games of the season at home does sting a bit. Hopefully the rest of the season will be better

  7. I don’t think I’ve ever lived through something as stressful as organising such a giant international move. We really do have too much stuff, but the worst part is that that’s *after* we got rid of all that we don’t need. Ugh.

    But many, many van loads later, tomorrow I finally will be able to legitimately turn my flair flag 90° – and go to sleep for about a week.

  8. This new (old) car I got, the electric windows weren’t working. I looked at the fuse box diagram, and fuse no. 1 was for the electric windows and fuse 2 for the power locks, which do work. So to test out if the fuse for the electric windows was gone I switched the fuses around (presuming fuse 2 was alright since the power locks worked) and it didn’t help. So I switched the fuses back around to the way they were. But now the power locks don’t work either.

    Good thing the fuses cost genuinely like à 30 cents, so I should get it all working pretty cheap.

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