My (29F) boyfriend (29M) left for a 2 week trip to South Korea on Friday.

A little background: We’ve been dating for more than a year (almost a year and a half not quite) and we haven’t gone a day without texting each other. We try to see each other every weekend, but sometimes life happens and we aren’t able to. But that rarely happens. There hasn’t been a day that’s passed where we aren’t texting/talking to each other.

Since he’s left I’ve been feeling super sad and crying almost every few hours since he’s left. I understand that he’s half way around the world. (We live in the US) I knew that we’d talk less but this is hard. For the first time since our relationship we didn’t talk for an entire day yesterday. It almost feels as if this is what a break up with him would feel like. (I’ve never gone through a breakup so I assume this is what it would feel like) I do experience anxiety and am definitely an overthinker and I think, not sure though, that I have an anxious attachment style.

He’s stated in the few texts I’ve received from him that he’s not sure what to do to give me peace of mind. Which I understand he’s having fun in Korea experiencing a new culture taking in everything. I want him to have fun. He doesn’t want me to wait for his texts. I will admit that I’m guilty of doing that. I look forward to talking to him after not talking to him for 10+ hours. So I kind of kept track of what time it is in Korea for him so that I could try to talk to him. This resulted in me thinkng I would expect a text from him at x time comparing his current trip to our trip last year. (We went to Japan together last year) Keeping track of the time is probably what is contributing the most to how I feel.

Is this feeling normal? Am I blowing things way out of proportion?

I’ve never experienced anything like this before and want to understand if anyone’s felt this way before. If you have please give me some advice on how to survive these next two weeks.


TLDR: boyfriend went on a 2 week trip to Korea. First time since we’ve been dating that we don’t get to talk to each other all the time. Feels similar to a break up. Is this feeling normal?

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