Okay bear with me, what if… Québec became the 51st state

If we were unable to become/stay independent In the future?

Since it was too long to put it here, here’s the full text I wrote about this:


  1. I suspect that would ruin our relationship with Canada, and that is far more valuable than Quebec itself. I don’t see it happening.

  2. This reminds me of all the actors/influencers/whatevers saying, “If ______ gets elected I’m moving to Canada!!” But… they never ask Canada do they.

  3. Why would you want to?

    I’m an American and I’d leave in a heartbeat if I could afford to.

  4. I feel like Quebec would be the Canadian province least likely to join the US. If they want to protect the prominence and influence of the French language, then Canada is significantly a better option for Quebec where it has a protected special status than the US where it would be much more likely see a decline in French and growth in English. While Quebec is a pretty valuable province in Canada and has some resource, economic, and military benefits, it wouldn’t be nearly as valuable to the US and you would probably see a population and economic decline due to not being as important as other parts of the US in this case.

  5. No, for one in the scenario were Quebec gains independence i don’t see why they would want to give it up to become American, they really wouldn’t get anything out of it a good trade agreement wouldn’t get and they would lose a lot more. 

    Secondly why would we want you. Not only would it mess up relations with the rest of Canada which is far more important but we already have a state that rumbles about independence and obsesses over state pride we don’t need another Texas. 

    Also America will have 0 tolerance for any attempts to make French any kind of official or even favored language. 

  6. Based on what I know about how Quebec views freedom of speech and expression, Quebec would be very unhappy being a US state. 

  7. It’d never work, for a few reasons.

    First, we our relationship with Canada would be more important, and adding Quebec might cause problems with that.

    Second, Quebec would have second thoughts about joining as soon as they realize we wouldn’t give them all the privileges and special treatment Canada does. Quebec would never accept being equal to the other 50 states.

  8. If we’re taking part of Canada, why the fuck are we taking the French part?

  9. If Quebec gained independence from Canada and it *didn’t* work out, I expect it would rejoin Canada, not the US

    Quebec has a bunch of policies I don’t see them retaining if they joined us, basically.

  10. We don’t want Quebec.

    You’re Canadian, you’ve been part of Canada longer than the US has existed.

  11. This is such a terrible idea for so many reasons.

    Canada would be furious that the US stole part of their territory.

    The US wouldn’t really want Quebec for that reason, and because there’s nothing really distinctive about it that would make it a valuable new addition to the US.

    And Quebec would rapidly realize they hate it because the US wouldn’t give them the same special treatment that Canada does.

    No one involved would end up happy.

  12. The language thing would be an issue. I’m pretty sure Americans would not go for slapping French on all government communications. We don’t even have English as an official language, so I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have French imposed on us either.

  13. If we took Québec, we would ruin our relationship with Canada and NATO. And why would we want Québec?

  14. Well, assuming that Quebec left Canada and joined the US. . .I don’t think they’d like it very much.

    I say that because a lot of the special accommodations that Quebec gets in the Canadian system would either be found unconstitutional in the US, or the US public as a whole would not put up with.

    I mean, if the Quebecois wanted to join the Union we’d probably take them. . .but I doubt it would make them happy.

  15. *Okay bear with me, what if… Québec became the 51st state*

    I am sorry, but I am unable to bear with you. This is a ludicrous idea.

  16. How about we start with the basic things like actually finish the damn Autoroute 35 all the way to the border so it actually links up with I-89 like it supposed to?

  17. You’d think the history of the Cajuns in Louisiana would make any French speaking North American community hesitant to join the USA

  18. Quebec has already made it clear it don’t want to adopt English. Canada can keep it.

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