Like the title says i feel like alien sometimes so i have been struggling with stuttering since i was young and it forces me to always be quiet so that people wouldn’t bully me because of my stuttering so when I was young I was always that quiet kid who always had one or two friends at home playing games rarely outside and that resulted in a fear of social situations so all this now hit me I’m 23 years old who still suffers from stuttering and fear of social situations, so now I’m studying abroad and I live with some friends, so when sometimes something happens in the house, even if someone breaks a glass, I’m always blamed for it and I know I should defend myself, but then I start stuttering and the words get really messed up or when these guys are discussing some topic and every single one of them is involved in that conversation except me it makes me feel stupid and jealous of them how can they talk normally and know how to argue I know a 23 year old man shouldn’t be such a coward but I honestly don’t know what I’m doing with my life and how to become normal human and sorry about my english it’s not my first language

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