My boyfriend (33M) and I (34F) generally have a good relationship, but we’re facing a sexual issue stemming from his medication’s side effects, resulting in delayed ejaculation. This has led me to feel insecure about my body, questioning if I’m sexually attractive enough for him. I’ve expressed these insecurities to him, and he’s aware of them. However, a few months ago, I woke up to find him looking at a girl’s bikini photos on his phone, exacerbating my insecurity. Though he apologized and promised it wouldn’t recur, I recently discovered him searching for women online, mostly celebrities, models or influencers with voluptuous bodies vastly different from mine(I’m very slim). This has further heightened my insecurity. Is it normal for guys to look up girls online out of curiosity? When we previously discussed this, he assured me he wasn’t interested in other girls and recognized the unhealthy nature of such behavior. Yet, I feel disappointed and betrayed. I’ve never encountered this issue with previous partners, so I’m uncertain how to proceed. Should I confront him again, or should I try to understand his perspective?

TLDR; In a relationship where delayed ejaculation is a concern, my insecurity about my body is exacerbated when I caught him looking at bikini photos of other women online. Despite his apologies and promises, I discovered him frequently searching for images of women with voluptuous bodies, leading to feelings of disappointment and betrayal. Not sure what to do whether to confront him again or not

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