I moved out from living with my dad and step mom about 4 years ago, they are the only family I have contact with anymore due to drama with my mom and 2 brothers. My long time friend group I’ve been in since grade 5 has been slowly falling apart since I moved due to people becoming creeps or leaving because their partner told them to. It was down to me and my spouse, my oldest friend and 1 other friend from childhood. My oldest friend had a mental breakdown and decided to pit the childhood friend and her boyfriend against me and my spouse and essentially destroyed the group due to this. No one trusts anyone anymore so we all went our separate ways. On top of this my step mom who has hated the fact that me and my spouse are choosing to work and travel instead of going to college started a giant fight where she called me and my spouse horrible ungrateful monsters, blamed me for my mom and dad’s divorce, and blamed me for the fact my 2 brothers don’t talk to my dad…because I forgot to send a thank you text for the candy and toilet paper she sent us on Christmas. My dad did nothing to defend us and sided with my step mom so we cut contact with them. Me and my spouse are earning a six figure household income so we don’t have a need for college currently and our home life is great as we enjoy each others company and hobbies and have multiple vacations planned over the coming years. We wanted to do these trips friends and family, but despite our efforts everything fell apart and we are all that either of us have left. I’m just not sure what to do, because I am happy with my spouse but now it feels so empty with everyone else gone. We are unsure if we even want to open ourselves up to other people again in fear this will happen again. For those who have gone through similar situations, what did you do?

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