I (26 M) got extraordinarily drunk and called my ex girlfriend (27F), and we spoke for quite a while checking in with each other and talking about how we missed each other. Our relationship lasted two years and ended 3 years ago on pretty decent terms. Additionally, we were really great friends for 4 years before we started dating. She really meant a whole lot to me, and in my sober mind, I still get curious about whats going on in her life from time to time. She now lives in a different state and I had no idea what she had been up to until I had this drunk conversation with her. I am now in a different relationship that has been going for 2 and a half years, and my girlfriend (24 F) would definitely not like it if she found out I had this phone call with my ex. However, I feel pretty guilty about it. I believe there needs to be trust between us, but I’m really worried about how she might react to me telling her that I spoke with my ex. I feel like I did something very disrespectful and wrong. I am curious what others think about this. Do I talk to my girlfriend about this? Are we better off just forgetting about it without mention? Looking for any insight or advice I can get. Thanks

TL;DR: I got drunk and called my ex, worried about how my girlfriend would react if I told her about this phone call.

  1. If your current GF got drunk and called her ex…would you expect her to be honest with you? If so, then….

  2. In Vino Veritas = in wine is truth.

    >I got drunk and called my ex, worried about how my girlfriend would react if I told her about this phone call.

    Yup the current GF should not know this info.

  3. I would personally not tell my gf about this. I think ignorance is bliss in this situation. You didn’t do anything major and don’t plan on it. You can ruin your current relationship and break the trust you have built over a harmless phone call.

    If it happens a second time, then I would reevaluate my feelings and the situation.

  4. I’d keep this one to myself tbh, I’d also lose the exes number personally.

    You weren’t trying to rekindle anything here, you’re just going to cause a load of uncertainty in your current GF if you bring this up.

  5. U don’t get to get off easy. Be honest and let her decide if she wants to leave u or not.

  6. It would be worse to not tell her and then her finding out herself. Be truthful and face the potential consequences

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