what’s the main reason you lost interest in a girl, who you thoughts was the one when you first met?

  1. I thought she was the one. I also thought we were exclusive – while she had …other idea.

  2. Was in college with her, and after we started dating, she quit trying in school. Had no life goals beyond wife and mother. Nope.

  3. I’m a braless fetishist. She refused to take hers off for any reason (other than to shower). She’s a wonderful person, but it just didn’t work for either of us

  4. She stopped being the person I fell in love with. Or maybe I just noticed more how passive aggressive she is.

  5. Several years ago, before I met my current girlfriend, I met this girl from New Zealand at work.

    From the very beginning, we seemed to vibe well with each other. She and I were exactly the same age. I felt like I was getting sucked into her, and immediately forgot about all the other girls I was talking to at the time.

    The main reason I lost interest in her was because she became way too obsessed a bit too quickly. She asked me out about a month after we met, and when I turned her down, she seemed to take it well, but when she found out that I had hung out with another girl alone, she had a mental breakdown, which was the last straw for me.

  6. She wanted me to leave my job and go on a backpack trip to South America for 2 years . She also had a few other male and females to join us who looked like addicts and shady character . I didn’t get good vibes from that group and so decided to back out.

  7. She let her toxic family treat her like shit and destroy her self worth. She refused to stand up to them and eventually she started to become toxic herself. I just couldn’t be with her anymore. She made her choice and chose her priorities and our relationship was suffering because of it so I left her

  8. She slowly became more and more controlling. The final straw was when she told me I need to spend less time with my family and questioned why I’m so close to them.

    For context, my mom, step dad, and sister lived an hour and a half away and maybe saw them once a month. My dad and other sister lived 25 minutes from us. Saw my dad probably once a week and that usually involved a bike ride as we are both pretty big into mountain biking. We do two big races together every year so when we can, we try to train together.

    Ex hated this and wanted me to stop seeing him so much. Ended up moving out a couple month after.

  9. She went and dated a guy well known to be an asshole and only wanting to fuck the girls he dated.

    I figured if she’s used being objectified as a sex doll, I probably could save time and just get one at a store for cheaper and much less effort.

  10. After a while she stopped putting effort into herself or our relationship and just wanted to play video games.

    When I realized she had spent more time/money helping a guy guildmate online build a in game house, than she spent working on the house I bought for us to start a life together I started to realize it’s over.

    It’ll be better in a month when she moves out

  11. She was immature. Everything was always everybody else’s fault and only invested in things and people when it benefited her.

  12. Couldn’t figure her out she seemed interested but at times uninterested. Blows your mind

  13. She would never admit fault for anything, every little thing was ultimately my fault.

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