I was informed by my doctor that I tested positive for chlamydia…the thing is, I only ever had oral sex once with a virgin guy about 7 years ago and I was clean back then. I did my screenings every year and it was always fine. Now I haven’t been to the gyno in a longer time because I switched doctors, and now the test is positive?!

The internet tells me that I MUST have had some sort of sexual contact with someone’s fluids in order to catch it, but how? I masturbate by myself and use a clean toy no one else uses but me. The medical assistant told me it’s unlikely but can also be transmitted at places such as public pools or public toilets. But again, it’s very unlikely and as it turns out, most of my pms symptoms could be caused by chlamydia and I didn’t know it.

Can some of you maybe inform me ? I am kind of lost and don’t know how or where I could have gotten it. It’s so strange

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