All location names are banned. We’ve noticed an uptick in comments attacking users for their flairs and have decided to implement measures to address this. As such, MyCountry™ , MyState™ , TheirCountry™ , TheirState™ , etc. are now the required nomenclature for any places. The subreddit name will be referred to as AskAMyCountry™Citizen until Reddit Admins can officially change the title. We hope this transition goes smoothly and results in a better posting environment for all users.

MyCountry™ and MyState™ flairs are available as well.



AskAMyCountry™Citizen Mod Team

  1. Finally, my recommendations are getting implemented

    Have been pushing for this for years. Hope everyone likes it 🙏

  2. Finally a well reasoned statement from this mod team. Seems like we only get this once a year.

  3. Things will be so much easier when no one has any frame of reference to where someone it talking about at all.

    Bravo for such a brave decision, the MyPLanet needs more heroes like yourself.

  4. While on the subject of rules, could the mods add a new rule to prevent people here making fun of serious questions from wise people from other MyCountries? It would be more inviting to others if they could more freely mock stupid things we have here, like our peasant bone-in meats?

  5. I can’t tell if this is real or an April fools joke. Is this an April fools joke?

  6. Every year people seem to have an issue just saying “I am incapable of comprehending fun one day a year”.

    You know who you are.

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