Women who were/are teen moms, what’s it like being pregnant at school? How were you treated?

  1. I was at a catholic school so it wasn’t well received. I had a teacher tell me I needed psychological help for getting myself in that situation. I had “friends” shun me and we haven’t spoken since. I was 17 when I got pregnant. I’m now 30.

  2. I was pregnant at 17 but I had graduated at 16. I obviously did not plan that but it worked out. I would have been 5 months at my graduation. I was going to college and I just didn’t tell my professors, then switched to online classes.

  3. It was hard but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I had my daughter 13 years ago, got pregnant at 16 and had her just after I turned 17. I had her just before winter break and it’s not like you get a maternity leave from school, so I had to juggle a baby, school, and working.

    Of course there were rumors. And it cost me a lot of friends. But I had a lot of supportive friends in my life too.

    The teachers didn’t know how to treat me. Teen pregnancy wasn’t unheard of in my city but it was right before the whole wave of teen pregnancy seemed to hit the country.

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