Here i go again. I should stop dating. Im to emotionally invested too soon. I had 2 dates with this really nice guy last week. On the second night i spent the night. It felt right and he seems like this really nice guy and i was really into him. He the asked me to meet on the weekend again. I said yes id love too. On saturday i had to work but had time after. He then said, no lets meet on sunday. We had set a time and place. I had nightshift but he said that we would spend at least a little time together. I was a little early in the town he lives and i work in but not live full time. and texted him that i would be early and if its ok. He then told me (45 min before we said i would come), that he was invited for easter by his mom and if its alright if we meet during the week cause he hadnt seen her in a while. I was really sad at that point, i was already in town and wouldve been there much later for work and took a nap before nightshift if we hadnt set the date or he canceled an hour earlier. I said it was ok, really what else can i say. But i was mad cause what wouldve happened if i didnt text him beforehand? I just did because i would’ve been there early. But yeah. I got over it. He said he was sorry in the evening and said that i shouldnt take it wrongly. So i tried to not read much into it, because its a holidy and he his mum actually invited him short notice there is not much he can do. We have just had 2 dates. Today he is not very into texting at all. He texted me afterwards first. And didnt ask me out again… i really liked spending time with him. Should i just leave him be, or do i want to much too soon? How soon do you set dates? First 2 dates were 2 days apart. Is he playing? Has he lost interest cause i was not what he expected? I thought we had a really good time, but yeah. Maybe he didnt like me that much… man i wish i could read peoples minds. I hate this waiting around guessing.

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