Is it just me, or does anyone else have ***sex-slaves*** fantasies (not in a bad slavery kind of way)? Live in sex workers who are also your maids and fuel your desire. I am m24, and my gf, f23, is in a long-term relationship; a few days ago, I was watching some porn and sharing it with her (the very usual thing we do) then I suddenly came up with the idea to have two sex slaves for ourselves. It would be an **M&F** salve. I said that when she gives me a hard time (typical in a relationship) or argues a lot, or she is in her period, I would have sex with the salves and give you some space, and you can have the same as well.( *She didn’t mind or react at all, she fueled my fantasy by agreeing* )

The conversation got interesting; I will share the whole conversation if I get good feedback from you guys.

Share some things i need to worry about or your opinion as well


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