I will be graduating college in a few months and had been asking my family who can attend. I have 6 tickets that I can give and they cannot be duplicated.

My aunt has two boys, my cousins, and I realized they would need 3 tickets. Over Christmas, I asked her if they would be coming. She said she didn’t know since my cousins are in sports and are busy.

I already know I am inviting my mom, brother, my other aunt, my grandma, my dad, and my girlfriend. These are people who have always been there for me throughout my college experience, that I feel deserve to be there.

My aunt, on the other hand, has not been very involved in my life and did not come to my high school graduation. I told her that based on our discussion over Christmas and since I only have 6 tickets, that there wouldn’t be enough for her and my cousins to come.

My other aunt, who has a ticket and has no kids, texted and asked me if I just uninvited my other aunt. I did not respond to this and clarified with my aunt who has kids that I am not uninviting her, I simply do not have enough tickets for her and her kids.

This made her very angry, she said I did uninvite her. I was told to not to text her again and she wishes me all the best, basically ending our relationship.

She proceeded to send me a long message saying awful things about my mom and how I’m just like her. They have a difficult relationship, but it has nothing to do with me graduating. After all of that, she blocked me and my mom on Facebook.

I did not respond to any of her texts because she asked me not to. I can try to find 3 extra tickets, but she already said she isn’t coming.

Am I in the wrong? I’m letting her know in advance because I don’t want anyone to feel left out. I thought she would understand since she graduated college and knows tickets are limited.

My college is also an hour away and I wouldn’t want her to make the trip and not be able to get in. I just don’t have enough tickets for everyone to be there.

Tl;dr: I have 6 graduation tickets, can’t invite some family members, and my aunt ended our relationship over this.

What do I do?

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