I’m nervous to tell my partner I’m going on antidepressants

Previously I had brought up wanting to go on them because I have a severe depressive disorder, and they were a little against, even though they themselves had been on antidepressants before. So I was a taken aback because I thought they would have been supportive of me and not saying “I don’t think you should do that, maybe wait” so I was prescribed welbutrin and I am waiting for the pharmacy to call but I haven’t told them because I just don’t want to know their reaction and I feel guilty
I just hate the way I feel every day and want to be better and they even mentioned to me they hate seeing me like this

  1. Wellbutrin doesn’t have a lot of the side effects typical antidepressants have. Maybe tell your partner that you will be starting them and ask where they were coming from with their statement.

  2. Kinda shitty for your own partner to be against you getting better- possibly because they’re insecure about themselves and are a sack of shit??? I have suffered from borderline personality disorder- ptsd- major depressive disorder and probably some other stuff and talking realistically doesn’t fix much. When the chemicals in your brain aren’t regulating themselves properly you don’t have many options and ssri’s aren’t Xanax they just help your brain work- and they shouldn’t hate seeing you like anything- they should love seeing you even if you need help and they should be helping you and supporting you regardless of the situation you’re in. You’re not doing anything wrong don’t feel guilt over such a shitty situation for someone who seems really unsympathetic and self centered.

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