If you didn’t stop by yesterday and wonder why there’s so many troll posts, it was April Fool’s. Hope you all had a chance to get some venting out and/or have some fun!

It’s been a while since we had a community reminder, and we’ve grown a lot and have a ton of newcomers, so here it is.

*Short Version:*

**Be nice!**

*Long Version:*

This is a place for people to ask questions about life here in the USA, and for us to discuss and give our opinions about what we think it’s like.

We’ve had a lot of genuine questions and nice people that have been looked down on, ridiculed, and attacked lately. That’s not cool. Read our rules. (And please give the mod team less work.)

Just because a question seems obvious to you, doesn’t mean it’s obvious to everyone (instead, it makes you a great person to teach someone else).

Just because you’ve been here a few months and seen the same question a couple times doesn’t mean it’s not worth answering any more. News flash, there’s a lot of people in the world and they aren’t going to read everything we’ve ever done here. (Sure, if you see something spammed every week, report it if we don’t catch it.)

Finally, this sub is NOT a place to “get revenge” or “get back” at people from other parts of the world that may have been mean to you elsewhere on Reddit or the internet at large. You have issues with people from another country? Take it elsewhere.


It’s okay to have different ideas here. It’s okay to disagree. It’s okay to argue about ideas.

It’s NOT okay to attack other users.

(And please stop with the whole “they did it first so it’s okay” thing. You’re not a little kid, and if you are you shouldn’t be on Reddit. Proper response is to do something like report it, message the mods, ignore the user, etc.)


Love you all. Let’s have some fun and learn more about each other. (And hopefully another mod will re-write this better…I know I get long winded.)

  1. >And please stop with the whole “they did it first so it’s okay” thing. 

    Could I ask for you to expound on this or give some examples? I admit this is something I am often guilty of. I’m inclined to respond with the same tone and intent as the person asking the “question.” 

    [Just as an example that I’m picking as its already locked and thus additional piling on can’t happen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/1bq6zx6/what_do_you_think_of_easter_baskets/)

    How are y’all navigating posts of this nature in a more general sense? I personally find these types of posts to be very entertaining, but I also understand that I may be in the minority. 

  2. Seriously. This sub has gotten so toxic lately. Just be nice to the people asking the questions. Assume they’re here in good faith.

  3. I was the April fool. I was not nice. I’m having post grumpy nut clarity. I’m sorry.

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