I grew up in the US and my mom always put my pajamas under the pillow on my bed. I never thought much of it, but learned that it is common in some European countries. Do people do this in your country? And for what reason? ― if there isn’t a reason, any theories?

EDIT: This is not something that anyone really does in the US.

  1. never heard of it.

    Pajamas are kept either in the closet, under duvet or in the bed along with all bedding. Never seen or heard about anyone keeping it under the pillow

  2. Bruv my pajamas go where I throw them in the morning before my pre-work existential crisis

  3. England.

    Not for me. I’m a t-shirt and trackies with a fucking big stick by the bed kind of chap.

    The reason they may have done it is perhaps to keep the material cool? It’s like when you flip the pillow at night and the other side is all nice and cool.

  4. As a kid I was taught to put my pajamas under my pillow. Did that untill I didn’t wear pajamas anymore.

  5. My parents always did, I replicated and now when I’ve the time in the morning I do it as well.
    It keeps the pijamas covered but in a place you know you’ll find them. When I just throw them into the bed I often have to look for ages until i find them

  6. I used to do it, but now I put them on top of the pillow, so I find them easier in the dark.

  7. Never heard of.

    One tradition says that you should put seven picked flowers under the pillow on Midsummer’s Night to dream about your future betrothed.

    But that’s the only thing I know you can put under your pillow.

  8. I hang mine up on a peg. The same peg I hang my normal clothes on before I go to bed. This is what most people do, I think.

    Why would you stuff them under the pillow? Don’t they need to air out so they are refreshed for another night?

  9. Yes, at least I grew up with my mum folding my pyjamas and putting them under the pillow, and I feel like it’s probably standard in Portugal. I don’t use a pillow anymore so it’s out of the question for me nowadays.

  10. I’m originally from England. Born ’75. It was a thing for me as a little kid. My family certainly had no ancestral relationships to the U.S. but I was really into The Muppets, so unless it comes from there, I can’t help.

  11. Old Italian here, my mom used to do it when we where kid in Italy in the 70/80.

    Never did with my kids anyway, I think it was common but is disappearing

  12. I did this as a kid, but I stopped at some point… Actually I had completely forgot about it until I read your post.

    (it might have been something we only did in summer camp though… It’s really a blurry memory. I’ll ask my mum…)

  13. First time I have heard of something like that. The times I do bother putting on pajamas or a night dress, it will usually end up on the floor next to my bed the next morning. If I have guests over and need to hide it, I’d just toss it under the duvet and get on with it

  14. Considering that I have my naked butt in my pyjamas, the last spot I’d place it would be under the pillow, Usually I fold them *somehow* and stuff it under the foot end of the bed.

  15. Idk about other people but yeah I do it. Pretty sure I got taught about doing it this way in kindergarten so I am guessing that it’s a common thing. As for the reason I guess it’s just for convenience.

  16. I learnt it this way as a kid yeah. And if I were to neatly make my bed I’d still do it. No specific reason I guess other than that it looks neater to just have the clean lines of the sheet, pillow and duvet. But since I don’t make my bed my pajamas just get chucked somewhere on it

  17. If I make the bed I usually put pajamas under the pillow, but usually I just throw them wherever I change to clean clothes.

  18. Never been much for pajamas, so no, but I have a few times kept my next day clothes in bed to keep them warm.

  19. Under the blankets if I feel like it. Is slightly less cold when you put them on in winter

  20. Yep it was really a thing I was doing when I was a child. The reason for me is having a clean bedroom, with a bed done, and the PJ belonging the the night time, you keep them inside the bed under the pillow.

  21. Memory unlocked! My mom used to do that for me when I was a kid, completely forgot about that. Not sure when she stopped doing it and clearly I didn’t continue the tradition.

  22. German here. My mother didn’t do that but put it under the blanket at the other end of the bed.

  23. Pyjamas under the pillow here. We have always done it that way in our family. Clean pyjamas every two to three days, it’s not hot or humid in Ireland so it’s not unhygienic.

  24. yep, I also keep the PJs under the pillow. not sure why, I think I put it there because it s faster to find it when I go to bed at night. under the pillow or under the duvet is kind of the norm, I guess

  25. I would say not everyone does it here but it’s pretty common, it’s just practical.

  26. Haven’t used pyjamas in a very long time now as I hate wearing them to sleep, but my mom would make me fold them and leave them on top of the pillow, not under.

  27. Italian family in Belgium, with a mom who lived in Germany for a long time and a dad who spent a lot of time in the US.

    The bed and the pyjamas are aired out by pulling the covers down, depositing the pyjama on a corner of the covers, well spread not in a ball, while the window is open. I get ready with fresh air coming into my lungs, or get dressed in the bathroom if it’s very cold outside.

    When I’m clean, dressed, and ready to go/have breakfast, the pyjama is folded, put under the pillow, and the bed gets made. Given that getting ready takes 20-30 minutes, that works. That’s how my mom did it. That’s how I do it for myself.

  28. I don’t know if it’s common here, but I Am definitely doing that.

    My mom though would always put it ON the pilllow and not under.

  29. Only on trips with schools or summer camps. No reason to do it at home or with family.

  30. I always did this when I was a kid, I forgot all about it until I saw this post, unfortunately I never asked why, I just did what I was told 😊

  31. Mine go on *The Chair*.. Along with other clothing items that are not quite ready to be washed yet. I’ve never put pajamas under a pillow, although my mother does. My dad puts his on a chair as well. I guess we know whose path I chose..

  32. Spain: yes, my grandma made me fold it and stash it under the pillow. That was a million years ago though.

  33. So… Where should you put it if not under pillow or blanket? I was never thinking about it because putting in somewhere in bed was obvious 😶

  34. When I was a little kid I had a pillow with a zip and you could put the pyjamas **inside** the pillow. But, well, I’ve been sleeping naked for the last 40 years…

  35. I vaguely remember wearing a pyjama when I was a little kid, but not where it was kept. I’ve been sleeping naked since about puberty I believe.

  36. Speaking for ppl for wear actual pyjamas: why would you want to save something that gets stuck in your ass crack under your pillow where you rest your face for the night? Especially if you don’t shower at night (many people).

    If just a shirt, who cares? There is no difference from pillow and duvet, it’s still the bed.

  37. Everyone I know just throws pyjamas on the bed and covers them with the duvet

  38. I’m Moldovan when I used to live with my mom I always put my pj’s under my pillow but when I moved in with my dad I stopped now I just put them on my chair or just let them on the ground

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