tl;dr – girlfriend wants to go on a two day trip with two male best friends and when asked where would she sleep, she answered that they would sleep in the same room

We’ve been in a relationship for 6 months and everything is great for now. She has two male best friends (few years older than her) and knows them since she was 15.

Yesterday she said they are planning to go on a trip in one of our country’s national parks. I was like ‘okay’ until she said it would be a two day trip. I asked where would she sleep and she answered that they would sleep in the same room.

I know they are her two best friends, but I wouldn’t feel 100% okay if they all slept in the same room. She said that if I forbid her, we will have a problem. I said that I cannot forbid her anything nor am I the type that gives ultimatums. She then said that maybe they won’t sleep in the same room.

I trust her and she’s a good girl but I just cannot process that she would sleep in the same room with two guys. Am I insecure or what? Happy to hear your suggestions on how to respond to this situation.

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