Dear internet strangers, me (31F) and my husband (32M) have a disagreement and what better way to solve it then to gorge on answers from internet strangers to fill our own ego. TDLR at the bottom.

*The background:*

My husband and I, being the millennial generation in expensive times, have gotten pet chickens. He has had this before and loves the little buggars, having cared from them since they were eggs. I on the other hand, love the prospect of eggs coming from them as I love local food.

He knows I have a bit of problems with the smell as I had chickens in the bathtub as a kid and this triggered fight/flight mode for some reason in me. He fixed this by placing the fluffs outside and built a safe place for them with heating. They are simply enjoying life until big enough to go out on their own.

*The incident:*

One day when my husband was in a rush (we have a baby and a toddler) he needed a bowl for the chickens to eat from. He grabbed the first thing he found, which was a part of a ceramic set we bought on a romantic trip together at a local marked in Italy 10 years ago.

We both use this set frequently, the purpose of it is to dip vegetables in oil, but we use it for everything to become “more fancy” like salt flakes or herbs added to the dining table. I found the bowl 5 days later when feeding the chickens and there was bird poop all over it.

*The disagreement:*

I got really upset over this as I stated I would never eat from this again and rather throw it. I understand that you can physically fully clean it, but I would never be comfortable eating from it again. I also got upset feeling it destroyed a piece of high sentimental value.

My husband stated he needed a quick solution when he was rushed and knew it was possible to thoroughly clean. He then forgot about it. He thinks I overreact and that it is not destroyed, and we can still enjoy the set as we always do.

*Question to reddit:*

So here we are at the centre of the poll we would like with you guys, we disagree how normal it is to have an issue or not an issue eating from a clean bowl formerly covered in animal stool. **Would you have any issues eating from a clean bowl that was previously covered in bird poo? And how normal do you think it is one way or another?**

*Disclaimer:* We know it is personal if one wants to eat of the bowl or not, so we are not forcing our view on the other, aka I want to throw the bowl, he wants to still be able to eat from it. Our solution, that my husband came up and I love, is to plant a seed and still have the bowl in the window to admire, but not use for eating.

*TLDR:* Husband used a ceramic bowl to feed chickens, and it got bird poo. Wife does not want to eat from it anymore. Disagreement on how normal it is to have or not to have a problem with using the bowl for eating after a thorough clean.


Thank you guys for giving us a good laugh and a more nuanced look instead of looking at each other like aliens. I have concluded that there are many more then I thought that are ok with it, and that I start to see why. However, I will try not to question too much on where a lot of peoples dining stuff have been before. My husband have concluded to think twice before grabbing stuff to the chickens and we are loving the idea of a new trip to Italy.

I will dream about chicken poo tonight, and I am considering letting the bowl get a special place for conversation starter at the table but I do not think it would be as fun for all guests, so we will probably stick with the plant idea.

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