16m. Since all of my group chat talks about anything, and the topic/narrative is contantly changing and changing sometimes it aint even things in common. It becomes demanding to my concentration. I don’t know how to react. My mind’s blank then. It becomes so difficult to become witty. Maybe I haven’t learnt the right slangs or have social practice (My parents barely talk to me, an onlychild). Cause I could definitely talk/express my needs without making things up. This is why I only sometimes appear in the group chat creating my own conversations. Pretty much I cant stay with the same energy for longer. They’re all memorable, funny and I can sometimes do that but I want to match the same energy as them without draining them and being uninteresting. Like I cant maintain this act everyday, the energy to want to stand out is insane and fun. This is why I prefer on person cause I could talk normally and comprehend the implications. Maybe I cant read? Anyone struggling with the same problem? Yo please guys give advice.

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