I (F20) have been in a relationship with Liam (M21) for four years.
First year of sex was great seeing as we were with each other 24/7 (ik unhealthy) and would have sex maybe twice a day. Anyways we broke up after that year for two months, I bought a replica dildo of his pp for my sex drive and then eventually we got back together. Now we only see each other weekends (Fri-Mon morn) and have sex maybe three times. Our sex life is absolutely chefs kiss, and although his a vanilla, his pp size/thickness and how he uses makes up for it (as well as how much we love each other) but I need more. I obviously won’t leave him over this nor will I cheat or even consider an open relationship. I simply need him to make love to me more. I would LOVE for him to tie me up or gag me but he says he respects me to much to do that so no problem, we stick to ass slapping, hair pulling and neck gripping when in doggy, but like i said, I. NEED. MORE. I feel like a lion who has been starved every time I see him. The thought of us having sex makes me cross the finish line same as just giving him head. Id give him head every hour as well as him make love to me straight after. Thats how high my sex drive is.
Guys wtf do I do?? His very taboo when it comes to sex, like he does not discuss his sex life with anyone and when I bring it up he gets like shy even tho he is far from a shy/nervous man. His a very dominant/masculine muscly man🤣 I am a small petite woman.. how tf does talking about sex WITH ME make u shy? Anyways. How to proceed? What will I do or how do I bring this up in a way that doesn’t embarrass him or make him shy and want to step away from the convo?

Any advice would be appreciated bc the girl down there is desperate.

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