My(20m) gf(22f) of 4 years broke up last year but came back and wanted to try making it work again. Despite being reluctant, I gave in. I decided to forgive and forget everything that happened in the past to move forward with this girl because I love her. I wanted to make it official but she says no and that there are conditions she has I have to follow. Those conditions include her being as touchy as she wants with her guy friends (most of them don’t know she’s seeing someone), her wearing more revealing clothes, she wants to “raise her children a certain way”, she wants to go to solo trips and that she doesn’t care to respect elders and will say whatever she wants were said elders were to disrespect her. I was ok with most of these conditions except for the one where she wants to be touchy with guys. Also with the last condition, she basically said she’ll even disrespect my mother if situation arises to my face. I’m so torn. I love her to death but I just can’t come to terms with some of these conditions. I also feel like she could’ve just put out those conditions when we just started talking again, instead of waiting till I was head over heels for her again.
It’s really affecting my mental health to the point I’m self harming. She was my first girlfriend, my first love and my best friend.

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