So my ex who has BPD isn’t a bad person. But she’s gone from telling me she didn’t want me in her life anymore, to booty calling me to back to not wanting me in her life to later changing her mind because I’m “a close family friend” but has still been distant.

Anyway about a month ago I noticed she unblocked both my personal and my musician page on Instagram after a year.. and I’m not sure why. A few weeks later she came over to get gifts with her son for his bday and she was a little distant and didn’t stay long which further confused me.
She also has a “finsta” that she never blocked me on so if she wanted to lurk she could have used that account.

Idk it has me a little confused lol. Any thoughts on this?
TL;DR : Ex said she didn’t want me in her life anymore then unblocks me

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