Okay I need to know how some girls have flat stomachs. I’m talking about looking healthy type of flat stomachs where you’re toned and may have abs. What are your secrets if you have any? What are the tips and tricks you use? How often are you exercising, how’s your diet, and etc? Thank you for sharing

  1. My diet is shit, I just don’t eat very much.

    I walk my dog several miles a day and go to the gym 2-3 times a week.

  2. Carbonation is thine enemy. Once I cut out my Coke Zero habit, things started to flatten.

    This is on top of running, weights, and a very healthy diet mind you, but the sodas were keeping me bloated.

    Eliminating those, and behold, some abs beginning to peek through.

    Best of luck!

  3. Bellydancing! Sadie Marquadt inspired my journey and I’ve never looked back!

  4. Take your pictures in the morning or just eat a spoonful of nut butter if you want to keep it beyond morning. Also just core strength.

  5. Genetics 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I don’t eat much. I’m not very food-motivated.

  6. Genetics and a good mix of cardio and weights. Also I’m 35 and have never had a baby (child free by choice) so I think that’s a contributor too.

  7. Genes. I have always had a reasonably flat stomach and held all my weight in my butt. That’s why I have managed to grow big glutes in 6 months at the gym when I see people who lift a lot more than me and their glutes look considerably smaller. Genes play a huge part.

  8. Genetics + healthy diet. I don’t work out but do move around a lot in my day to day life.

  9. ngl it’s mostly genetics for me. i’ve always had a really fast metabolism so that has helped, but to maintain abs i do ab workouts from youtube daily (lily sabri, chloe ting, madfit) also cutting back on sugar and junk food helps a lot too.

  10. I don’t know about genetics – I come from an “average” family in terms of weight/size. None of us are/were “fit” in any sense really. I used to struggle with my weight a lot when I was younger and spent a lot of my teen years crying in changing rooms over my size. About 6 years ago, I got into doing HIIT workouts, the gym and eventually running.

    Now I’m a triathlete and I’m representing my country at the world champs later this year. I train every day and eat more than I ever did when I was younger. I do it to make myself stronger so I’m able to achieve the things I want to, but the byproduct of that is that I’m now pretty lean and I guess you’d say I have a “flat toned stomach”.

    Honestly, it’s a lot of work and I train only for my triathlon/ eventual 70.3 ironman goals rather than to suit a specific body type. I guess what I’m saying is that in some cases it’s genetics, but I am a bit of an alien in my own family – no one has ever done any amount of training or racing before and they think I’m bonkers. As a run coach myself I also know that with commitment and the right training, you can reach any goal. However, there aren’t usually secrets or quick wins. For most people, it takes a lot of work and I have a constant fear that when I eventually take a break from training, I’ll bounce back to the weight I was before all of this (which is crazy in itself).

    Anyway, not sure if that answers the question or not but I wanted to counter the genetics thing – you’re not always screwed from the moment you’re born and you really can achieve any goal with enough training and time 🙂

  11. Lots of protein along with a healthy (ish) diet + heavy weight training (including ab training every session)

  12. Sooooo I have always had a bit of a pooch, I’ve never been totally flat even when I was anorexic and weighed under 90 pounds. It’s just a bit of fat there that won’t go away because that’s just the way my body is. It’s like asking small breasted girlies what they do to have small breasts. It’s just how fat sits on your body and you can never get rid of all fat while you’re alive. You can get low and you can push it to extremes (ie body builders) but some people just have a flatter stomach or chest or what have you.

  13. Hollow body holds and core to extremity movements five days a week.

    I eat well. And enough. Lotssss of protein (I take in 1g per pound of body weight). I’ve had three kids and am in my early-mid 30’s. 🙂

  14. Genetics but also a ton of exercise. Doesn’t matter what it is. I used to do a lot of sports growing up and now I don’t, but I do go to the gym instead

  15. Always been slim but the ‘toned’ part really developed due to eating high protein and lots of veg/low processed diet, alongside the fact I’ve been weight training since I was 18 and am now 28.

  16. Not a girl but its a combination of genetics (like If I had to guess it’s like 90% of it) and diet/body fat %
    Same reasons why guys are stuck with a certain amount of abs, you cant go from 4 pack to 8 pack or any other combination
    All you can do is try and make the stomach you got genetically look better

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