Tldr; I am struggling as I can tell if my gf has lost attraction in me. How can I have her tell me honestly?

I (30m) have been with my gf (31f) for over 2.5 years and our sex life initially was good. But for the last bit, it feels like it has died off. She doesn’t want to give me oral, wants to only do one or two positions (says doggy isn’t interesting to her anymore because it’s too animalistic where before she was good with it), and turns me down when I initiate though I have stopped. I find a lot of joy in pleasing her when we do have sex and make that a priority.

When we talked about it before she told me she wanted me to be more romantic, dress better, etc. I didn’t believe they were the ‘cause’ as I am well put together, give her gifts, support her in many many, and good shape but worked on them nonetheless including even getting and wearing only the type of boxers she said she finds me attractive in. Yet, she still doesn’t seem all that interested. We have maybe had sex once in the last two months though we were on an almost two week long vacation during that time by just ourselves.

I want her to tell me the truth whatever it may be including she just isn’t as in to me sexually anymore but may still like other things about our relationship. I can at least then have the info to make a decision from because I do love her. Outside of sex I know I fulfill a lot of needs she has and she for me as well.

What would yall recommend to help facilitate a meaningful and honest conversation? I think she will try to avoid it or give the easy answers to deflect. But I really want to know as it will set better expectations for both of us.


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