Insomniacs: what helps you sleep

  1. 5mg Melatonin and 150mg of seroquel. Otherwise I’m up for at least 38 hours unless I drink myself to sleep which isn’t ideal.

  2. Sorry I am not an insomniac but busting a load, a couple beers and some weed should do the trick.

  3. Melatonin is a hit or miss for me but sometimes 2-4 mg of it help.

    If you don’t mind weed/edibles then you should look into and try this brand of gummies named “Wyld”. They have a combination of THC and CBN. I haven’t used them in a while but when I did they definitely would help and I would feel pretty damn rejuvenated after a night of sleep.

  4. Melatonin and Trazodone are hit or Miss most night. Most reliable way is to smoke (weed) myself to sleep.

  5. **Trouble falling asleep** — just about all of the advice you can get from a web search will help.

    **Trouble staying asleep** — much more difficult to fix. Could be related to depression, anxiety, or a physiological issue ( one that most hack doctors will not take the time to investigate )

  6. the biggest thing is to keep a consistent wake/sleep schedule, no matter what. Limit caffeine and alchohol after a certain time, and limit food intake as well after same time

  7. I just found out recently that just leaving my eyes open makes me fall sleep a lot faster. I might get into the habit of sleeping with my eyes open like King Piccolo from dragon ball.

  8. I read, scroll through Reddit or listen to music or my scary stories until I just fall asleep.

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