So there’s a girl in my highschool, who i find to be very pretty, and i want to ask for her Instagram. For context, we’ve never spoken, don’t have any classes together, and idk if she’s ever seen me.

A friend of mine said its a bad idea cuz i literally only see her in the hallways and in the cafeteria, another friend said “i dont think its weird, i just wouldnt give my ig cuz you’d be starting the relationship for a very shallow reason”, and another homie had told me i should compliment her and the next day or 2 i would’ve asked for her Instagram (which is my plan for now).

Im just a little confused on how am I even supposed to talk to her? If i can’t approach her cuz idk her, how am i ever supposed to start anything with any other girl thats not in my class? Also, am I weirdo for wanting to ask for her ig so i get to know her? Man idk what to think rn, I’ve never asked a girl for anything like this and im starting to feel bad about it😵‍💫

So for anyone that sees this could u let me know if its weird if i compliment her and then ask for her ig and start talking to her from there? Also if u have ur own advice I’d appreciate it!

1 comment
  1. First of all, getting to know someone is literally the first step of any social interactions that you plan on having a relationship with. And asking for their IG could be good idea, but I usually air on the safe bet of phone number (just in case they don’t have Ig which is highly unlikely in this day in age) but they may not be comfortable with that so be prepared for either or.

    The hallway is very inconvenient way to say anything to anyone, if you’re comfortable with a compliment go ahead, but it could be the case she doesn’t even say anything to you, notice you, or ignore you cause she thinks it’s for someone else and you’ll think about that forever and ever.

    It’d be a safe bet to do it in the cafeteria, a little story about myself, a girl I was crushing hard on and been eye’ing for a good while usually sat at a table which she didn’t really seem to be talking to anyone but was sitting in a crowded table, then one day she sat by herself and I grew a pair and went up to her. Sat right beside her and said hi what’s your name? She replied with her name and I literally fkn froze I was so shocked I literally buried my face in my arms. After like 4 good seconds, Looked back up smiled and said sorry can I try again? And then just asked for her number. And got it. (We didn’t work out but I’m glad I did it). And did this all whilst there were people literally looking at me.

    Now what to take from that is simply to rip the bandaid off fast, it’s better to be rejected than to live in regret of never making the effort. And my story is literally the worst, and awkward cause so really don’t sweat it. Be confident and do it! Have your prepared lines and whatever the outcome is be happy it takes FKN BALLS to do what you’re about to do. You’re making memories rn so take your best shot man. Best wishes!

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