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Can you party in your 30s

Did nothing in my 20s except video games and school and covid as well took some years. Also extremely lazy and never tried either. Never made friends, never went out, never socialized, just say home mostly and played video games. Do feel regret as I feel like I wasted my youth being a video game addict and I hate it that I made that choice. Esp since I went to a top party college and sat inside.

Just turned 30 and have no friends, no social life, no connections, etc

So now that I have $ from work which is wfh can I go out to bars and clubs in my 30s and party? I want to get make lots of friends especially guy friends to chill and talk with and do stuff with such as travel to places and build long trustful relationships.

Hard part now is u also have the pressure to get married. And I’m no way near ready since I’ve never even had a relationship or even close since I’ve never tried. I also feel 20 in the head and feel like I have no life experience and if I get married it’s truly over.

Basically want to make my 30s the 20s I never had or is it too late? Don’t want to marry till at least 35 and even that I feel is way too early as I missed out on an entire 20s. I hate my self for not caring before but now that I work and have nothing to do but am bored to death it’s really scaring me that I’ll have a lonely sad and depressing life and I can’t just keep living like this.

Even being in school even tho I was there for 8 years since I switched majors kept me busy and around people that we worked in school homework together etc but now I don’t even talk to anyone of them and am truly alone

Gotta also make friends and social circle now as well as I’ve never had this. I used to drive for Uber and pick up groups friends and I want to be in the group of friends taking Ubers to places, I really hate being alone. I was also a huge gymcel and even that led to nothing. All I care about now is social life, friends, connections, people to chill and do stuff with. And eventually hopefully a gf. I must have a really bad or no personality as I’m boring and have nothing to offer, no social skills, and have huge body dysmorphia.

I want to do stuff daily, right now it’s just work, rot in bed all day long working/phone/lift and repeat , 16 hour average screen time on phone scrolling IG. Although I follow educational channels only on self improvement and fitness.

I want to do stuff daily, plan is to move to a big night city. Join sports leagues daily, multiple of them, volunteer, charity events, events from meet up and eventbright. What else can I do? I want to have a lot of friends and social life like the popular kids. How do I even party now I never partied. I don’t drink cuz lifting and I don’t think it does anything anyways so I quit completely but Idt I’ll need it. I’m just so bored doing nothing and hate myself for wasting my entire 20s. I’m a decade behind in life maybe more. Some say it’s too late but that scares me as I hate my life atm and I can’t keep living like this.

I wish I was 18, I would fix all these problems I know I would but I can’t. I started lifting at 17 and got a good bod but it led to nothing. I’m fighting against time and I don’t know if I have any. I feel like a complete failure and loser that I failed at life and I want to turn it around for good. Idc about having a ton of $ I just want a good social life, money doesn’t even make me happy I am very minimalist and frugal and just need enough to pay bills. Everything in my past has been full of regrets, missed opportunities, not trying, not taking action. Was given opportunities to succeed, went to a top party school but sat inside and played video games and rarely went to class and never made any friends. I can’t stop thinking about the past how I made everything a mistake. It took me 8 years to graduate cuz I switched majors and school and in that time I still made no friends or did anything. When I go out I don’t even socialize since I don’t know how to talk and respond. Talking to random strangers is so hard for me esp girls, I’m scared. As I said more than a decade behind in life and I want to fix these problems but it’s so hard and I’m fighting against time if I even have any.

Was also depressed in my 20s cuz I went from being ripped to getting fat cuz I got addicted to junk food and that worsened my already high body dismorphia. Like I wanted a ripped bod and told my self I won’t do anything until I achieve it but instead I just wasted my life while I should have lived it instead even if I didn’t have a good bod.

The other thing about turning 30 is getting older, looking older, losing hair etc, now I gotta figure out ways to stop aging, reverse it, etc, so many problems on top of lifting, so hard to fix and I’m also extremely lazy and already losing hair as well

Damn I miss college. All I did was play video games but the amount of opportunities that I wasted, only worry was grades which I also hated.

I feel like I don’t even exist like I’m invisible to people irl and esp girls but it’s also cuz I’ve never tried anything before. Never went on dates, never went to prom etc etc never did anything and I want it to change cuz I hate it

Is there someone that can help with this, don’t need a therapist but someone like a wingman/life coach. But don’t want to spend a ton of money either.

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