My boyfriend (19 M) and me (18 F) have only been together for a couple of months and I am kinda going back and forth on staying with him. I try to think of it as just take it day by day and you’ll be ok. But I don’t know what to do. Lately we been having a lot of problems with how he treats me and I know he tries heck even when I bring it up he looks so confused like he thought he was doing well. But ever since I told him all my issues he still is having problems with two of them with one we are ofc sexually active and we lost our virginity to each other. He doesn’t really know how to like I guess eat me out and I always just beg him to try and I constantly ask him is it my taste smell whatever but he doesn’t really communicate and when he did he did say it’s a new taste and he doesn’t know how to so it’s hard. But I’m a very giving person I suck him off like a lot I just love to please I just wish he reciprocated that. It makes me barely wanna do anything sexual with him and also makes me feel not really wanted..
He also doesn’t post me on his socials which make me feel a way. I know I’m a very pretty girl and I just feel like if you say I deserve the world plus more and you wanna show me off then why not do so? He post his cars all the time but never me… and I told him if I have to have any problems with him one more time we are over with it just feels like I’m not ready or I’m being petty and I don’t know what to do..what should I do?

TDLR: my bf won’t eat me out even though I do things for him and he doesn’t post me on socials which makes me feel some type of way.

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