(F20 college freshman) I’ve never really had friends but I wanted to make an effort today. It’s hard for me to even say hello or thank you but today I went to a college party alone and sat there.. Although I didn’t speak to anyone and didn’t even get snacks (I wish I did they had food and drinks 😭) I sat there for 30min. How is this an accomplishment?? Well I’d never set foot in a party let alone try and speak to people but I did it! I’ve been bullied all my life but i want to leave it behind. I left within 30 min bc I wanted to leave. I was a bit too early LOL the entire student committee was there but I was the only one alone and 2 other people. I also didnt dress for the occasion everyone was wearing cute dresses 😭. This was baby steps, I never thought i could do it.. after being bullied for all my life I can’t believe I had it in me to step out my comfort zone. I’m sad I didn’t meet anyone but I’ll try again at another event hopefully.
What are some good conversation starters? Also is not holding eye contact rude? It’s hard for me to do it..
Also this guy laughed at me today because I was mumbling when I spoke (my group told me to speak up twice in the end I just handed them my paper so they could read it), I was honestly going to get up and leave class because this is a fear of mine but I take things to seriously. I thought “That’s a bit dramatic act like an adult and handle it” after 20 min of sitting there upset I got over it and felt better 😃

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