What profession won’t you date?

  1. As a doctor, other doctors. Or anyone in health care. I need to be able to turn my mind off of work mode.

  2. For some reason it NEVER works out with teachers 😂 I just know to avoid them now

  3. Anything where they’re going to have a schedule that makes it hard to find overlapping free time for us to be together… bartender, cook, waiter, pilot/flight attendant, etc

  4. Police, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, drug and weapons dealers, tobacco manufacturers…

  5. “Content creators”, which is almost always a shorthand for OF ladies.

    Not shaming them, but I wouldn’t be able to date a woman who had her *business* all over the internet. I was an only child, I won’t share my hamburger. You think I’m gonna share my lady friend? With the world?

    More power to them. *Get yer bag*, or whatever the kids are saying these days. But I’m far too conservative to live that kind of lifestyle with them. And if I can’t support someone, can’t see how I could be a good partner for them.

  6. Cops, other first responders, nurses anything with a high frequency of trauma bonding really, flight attendants or other high travel jobs, sex workers, luxury sales

  7. Lawyers from my experience they are very emotionally manipulative. Again my experience 😐

  8. Fanfiction writers.

    Turns out most of them are heavily narcissistic while being both romantically & emotionally unavailable

  9. any kind of celebrity (actor, musician, etc.), anyone who does youtube or streams, sex workers, drug or weapon dealers, police

  10. Managers, any woman that worked in h.r, they’re not used to treating others with compassion.

  11. Police, lawyers, Realtors , sales people or any other profession that requires them to lie.

  12. Stewardess, traveling nurses, or any other profession that travels for work. Or someone who attends a lot of conferences.

  13. Ex was a cop. Certified insane. Her female coworkers also certified insane. Luckily I’m now married, but after that ex, I would never ever date a female cop again

  14. I’ve dated a. Adult film star,
    Another Marines wife
    Tweaker chicks
    Heroin addicts
    Single moms
    Borderline personality disorder,
    Many more
    I won’t hopefully ever date another narcissist one fuck that. That was her job lol.

    Official jobs I wouldn’t date
    Day care
    Some jobs I would
    High price escorts
    Porn stars
    Drug dealer
    Ice cream truck fleet owner

  15. I’m a psychotherapist and dating and some of these responses are interesting and enlightening.

  16. Physical therapist and other health care workers. I am one. We cant both be exhausted 😂

  17. Politician, police, seafarers, someone from the entertainment industry. 

  18. Nurses, therapists, and teachers.

    I’d sooner go out with a sex worker than any of those.

  19. Accountants. Absolutely unbearable during tax season did it before, never again

  20. I’d have to say actors. In my limited experience they are self centred and narcissistic.

    Their reason for being focused so much on being validated by others.

    At the time I thought we had a reasonable relationship until I saw her passionately snog her colleague / friend at a show. She didn’t feel the need to tell me beforehand it was happening.

    Then a couple of weeks later, I ‘caught’ them at our flat ‘rehearsing’ as I came home early from a weekend break.

    Yeah. Fuck you.

  21. Bar tenders. Or anyone who serves alcohol for a living. It has always ended in heartache but it is a lot of fun while it lasts.

  22. Sex worker feels like the easy answer so I’m gonna say actress. It’s all fun and games until Ryan Reynolds is caressing your girl’s hand under the West Palm Beach moonlight and now I’m jealous because that’s my hand he should be caressing.

  23. Nurse. Nurses are often so emotionally eroded that they have no respect for human feelings anymore.

  24. Travel nurses, HR, paramedics, cops, athletic trainers, models, influencers, actresses (or amateurs of the last three). Some because in my experience they aren’t loyal at all, some because they are unstable and back stabby, and some because they are FAR too high maintenance, and some for all three reasons.

  25. Postal management. Those people are seriously messed up.

    Anyone in law enforcement is to be avoided.

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