Okay so long story short, I met this girl a few months back at a mutual family friends gathering, I had known who she was but hadn’t seen her in years (I moved to Texas near where she lives so get togethers and functions became common). We bonded over conversations and videogames over time and eventually I asked her out. She said yes. Things were going good. Soon my parents found out, had a whole argument with them (brown family) but eventually we came to a conclusion and they let me continue dating but I just had to stay limited, keep distance, etc. She hadn’t told her parents (also brown family) because she was afraid of their reaction.


Normally when we see each other at an event we try to meet up and spend time together. Last Sunday there was a party at a restaurant and her father had been out of town for a month or two. Basically the guy saw me with her and disrespected me in front of everyone which was whatever but more importantly they found out we had been dating. My girlfriend had her phone checked and they forced her to block me on everything. We’ve had very limited communication since then like how the other is doing and what not. I obviously don’t feel good, I miss her company and I miss texting her, I’m sure she is the same way. The problem is I don’t see what to do from here, her family pretty much hates me and I can barely talk to her. At this point we had also gotten very serious, for example we had considered marriage. Currently we are trying to let tensions simmer down because not only does her family hate me, our parents are mad at each other. We’re also taking a break from talking to each other but she isn’t sure if she can unblock me as she doesn’t want to lose her parents trust. All in all the entire situation is pretty messy and the only thing I can think of is shooting her mom a call and clearing any misconceptions she may have about me (her mother had previously liked me). Any criticism or help is appreciated.

tl;dr: Girlfriend’s parents found out we’re dating, her parents now hate me, forced her to block me on everything, and my parents and her parents hate each other.

  1. You’re only 18 and been dating a few months. Marriage isn’t in the cards. Especially while she’s still under her mom and dad’s thumb. Realistically you need to somehow communicate that this relationship is going to have to be over since you can’t even talk to her.

  2. It isn’t clear why two 18 year olds can’t date. For what ever reason you had to tell us you are both brown families it must mean something. What does it mean?

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