I (28M) have had two relationships in the past two years that really meant something to me! One lasted like 8 months the other was shorter. Although the attraction that I had in the short term one was way stronger than the 8 month relationship. Anyways both of those relationships I tried to be my best. Neither one of them were really toxic at all. I was told multiple times by both of them how much they cared about me. Also that I was so attractive as well as all kinds of compliments. There was so many promises made to me in both of them. I won’t go anywhere, I promise to communicate my feeling, and etc. Well both of them lied and never communicated they were losing feelings. I woke up and in both relationships I had just been blocked. No goodbye no closure no nothing. I don’t understand how you can just do that to a person that you supposedly cared about. I personally think it’s a cowards way out! So why is this becoming the standard to break things off with people?

Edit: I would like to mention that I was in no way shape or form abusive. I can see that totally being a reason for safety related purposes. I’ve actually been physically abused in a relationship before so that is not my style. I wasn’t perfect, but I never gave off any indications that I wouldn’t be able to take the rejection like a mature adult in either one of the relationships.

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